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Made  in France in the 1960 this silkscreen  tapestry on wool reflect the  democratic desire of that time to produce affordable art . Neo fantastic and  influence by the cubist movement Alain Cornic  tapestry use the vocabulary of natural  symbol like the sun , animal and musical instrument , mixing decorative subject  with mythological scene .Jean Lurcat a great master of Aubusson tapestry was the  inspiration for a new generation of artist , Cornic was a painter illustrator  know for his colorful poster and optimistic depiction of the life in the 1960's  and 1970's . It is not hand weaved but silkscreen on wool , I included a  description of the process of serigraphy for clarity: it is a printmaking  technique in which a mesh cloth is stretched over a heavy wooden frame and the  design, painted on the screen by tusche or affixed by stencil, is printed by  having a squeegee force color through the pores of the material in areas not  blocked out by a glue sizing.The actual work is done by hand , Robert Four is  part of the Aubusson company .Signed by the artist in the back on label , the subject is the phoenix , symbol of rebirth .

Linen backing with possibility to insert a rod on the top.

Size 41 x 72 ,  silkscreen  , fresh color .


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