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The Game of the Goose or Goose game is a board game where two or more players move pieces around a track by rolling one or two dice. The aim of the game is to reach square number sixty-three before any of the other players, while avoiding obstacles such as the Inn, the Bridge, and Death.

It is considered the prototype of many of the commercial European racing board games of later centuries. It attained great popularity in the 16th century. The game is mostly played in Europe and seen as family entertainment. Commercial versions of the game appeared in the 1880s and 1890s, and feature typical old European characteristics such as an old well and children in clothes from the period.

Early car light advertisement printed on the back.

circa 1900 , L.16 1/4 x W.12  in  Chromolitography


French Jeu de L'oie/ Goose game 1900 early car advertisement

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