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Charles-Francois Delamarche (1740-1817), the founder of the family firm was one of the most important French geographers and mapmakers of the second half of the eighteenth century. Successor to Nicolas Sanson (1600 – 1667), Robert de Vaugondy (1686 – 1766), and Rigobert Bonne (1727 – 1794), whose atlases he reprinted. Also taught geography. In addition to maps and globes, his works include a treatise on the use of the sphere and celestial and terrestrial globes. In the treatise, he illustrates both the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems, as well as listing all the ancient and modern constellations. His son Félix Delamarche (18th century – 1st half 19th century) continued his work.Félix Delamarche became the owner of his father's map publishing company, Maison Delamarche. He ran the company alongside cartographer Charles Dien. The firm would eventually be passed down to Alexandre Delamarche. Delamarche created Atlas de la géographie ancienne et moderne in 1820. The atlas was reprinted during the 19th century. It was utilized by the Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr. His work is held in the collection of the Library of Congress. Most ancient Empire still in existence .

Small in folio 13 x 10   inches  map 26 x  20 double page ,  Félix Delamarche, mechanical engineer for globes and spheres, Paris, 1841 ,  all map from the late 1830's , inset on double page engraved on copper, most of the geographical with outlines and watercolor limits , good condition .

I can be reach at the 310 994 6009 if you want more info , for shipping outside the US please contact me for pricing and condition



Antique Atlas 1841 engraving Felix Delamarche

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    2017 Jean Camille For Style French Antiques 


    310 994 6009 

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